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Guide to Computing

From Baystation

The NTOS or Modular Computer feature provides players with a realistic computer system for their Consoles, Laptops, Tablets and PDAs. These can be ugpraded and loaded with a long list of programs to assist with your role, send messages, set up chat rooms and much more.


Types of Computer

Modular computers come in four types:

  • Modular Computers, which can be built or found around the map and usually have the highest capacity and processing power.
  • Laptops, which can be acquired from the loadout menu or from computer vendors.
  • Tablets, which are similar to laptops but have a smaller information capacity in exchange for not needing to be placed on a table or floor space to use.
  • PDAs, which have the smallest capacity but can fit in ID and Belt inventory slots.

Computer Vendor

The computer vending machines on D1 and D3 can be used to buy new computers using thaler. You can select the components and quality of parts you want, with a corresponding price tag.


These computers are all modular, which means they consist of various components that can be taken out, replaced and swapped between computers. Data on these components will be available on the new devices, and components like network cards will keep their network addresses.

Parts can be removed using a screwdriver, and placed back inside at will. New parts can be printed with a Protolathe. Modular Computer frames can be built with construction from steel sheets. Laptop and Tablets can be obtained from your loadout menu and the computer vending machines. New PDAs can be acquired from command personnel.

Icon Component Purpose
Hard Drive Stores files and programs on the computer. They come in a range of capacities and the computer type determines the highest capacity drive that can be installed. These can be swapped between computers and retain all their data.
Network Card Comes in two varieties – Wired and Wireless. Each Network Card has a unique NID, a Network ID, that identifies it to other computers and the NTNet servers. Can be swapped between computers and retains the same NID.
Processor Determines the rate at which some operations are performed, and the number of programs you can have open at once.
Nano Printer Allows the device to print paper sheets. You can print from various programs such as Email, NanoWord, or even directly from files on the hard disk drive. Does not run out of paper.
Battery Stores power for the computer, determines how long it can last away from a charger or an APC if you are equipped with a tesla link. To recharge a computer's battery you must find a recharger and slot it in.
Tesla Link Recharges the laptop from the APC in the area you are currently in. Saves a lot of hassle recharging your computer.
Paper Scanner Allows you to scan text from a piece of paper into your computer's memory, this can then be transmitted by email or stored.
RFID Card Slot Allows you to put an ID card inside the computer. This is useful for the ID Card Modification program, and the antagonist NTNet Access Decrypter. Aswell as just giving you a handy place to store an ID card inside a PDA or tablet.
Intellicard Slot Allows storage of an AI or pAI within the computer. This is useful for using the AI Maintenance program to monitor the AI's lawset.


Installing Programs

To install programs you need to open the NTNet Software Download Tool which will be pre-installed on every hard drive. You will see options depending on your access level and whether or not NTNet is accessible from your location. If it is not accessible, you are either off of the Torch or the telecommunications system is somehow misconfigured or damaged. Downloading programs will take some time depending on your network card. Each program has a certain capacity in units of GQ - Your hard drive size determines how many programs can be installed. Note that this does mean that some programs cannot be installed on the smallest devices. However, you can free up memory using the NTOS File Manager should you need to.

Generic Programs

These programs are available to multiple departments and provide general ship, communication or personal management functions.

  • Arcade Games: There are a variety of games available randomly selected each round. Use this to get through the dead periods in each shift!
  • Camera Monitoring: Depending on your access level, this program will allow you to see through all the cameras on the ship and through any shuttles within range.
  • Computer Configuration Tool: Installed by default on any computer. Allows you to turn various modules in your computer on or off, which can be useful for saving power.
  • Crew Records: Lists the crew active in the current shift and allows you to look at their records. If you have certain accesses, you will be able to view and/or edit restricted data such as security and medical records. Can also be used to create new records for Stowaways, refugees, etc.
  • Crew Manifest: Lists all active crew, their departments and their roles.
  • Deck Management: Allows you to fill out mission and flight plans and post them globally. This is very important to Pilots, Explorers and Miners especially.
  • Docking Control: Allows you to see the status of the ship's docking ports, their docking access codes, and undock docked ships.
  • Email Client: In your character's notes you will have an email login and password. You can use these with this program to send email to anyone else with an email address.
  • Library: Lets you access the persistent library and download books to read from it.
  • NanoWord: A word processor program with many formatting options, allows you to save and print documents.
  • NTOS File Manager: Can be used to delete files and programs, view log files and txt files.
  • NTNet/ExoNet News Browser: View and download news articles from NTNet, which may contain important lore news to the setting.
  • NTNet Software Download Tool: Allows downloading of new programs. If your computer has been emagged then it will display additional options.
  • NTNet Relay Chat Client: Allows creating chatrooms that can be joined by other people anonymously, with a password and moderated.
  • NTNet P2P Transfer Client: Allows transfer of files between computers over the network.
  • Report Editor: Contains some pre-configured templates for common paperwork needs.
  • Scanner: This program interfaces with your paper scanner module to scan text and photos.
  • Supply Management: Allows you to place orders with supply, and if you have the required access, to control the supply shuttle and approve/deny orders.

Command Programs

  • ID Card Modification Program: Usually used by the XO, this can allow editing an inserted ID card's access to add any accesses that are on the user's ID card to it. Or modify the name, terminate that person, etc.
  • Command and Communications Program: Facilitates important command-level options, such as contacting EXO command, setting the alert level, opening the saferooms and more.

Engineering Programs

  • AI Maintenance Utility: Allows viewing and resetting of the inserted AI IntellicardCard's laws.
  • Alarm Monitor: All currently active alarms across the ship will be visible here. Useful for damage control.
  • Atmospherics Control: Allows for remote control of air alarms.
  • Email Administration Utility: Allows the Chief Engineer to handle email administration and monitoring tasks.
  • NTNet Diagnostics and Monitoring: Allows the Chief Engineer to monitor all NTNet traffic, such as downloads of programs and the NIDs of the computers that are doing this. Allows control over the NTNet system's state, turning it on and off, toggling security features, log length, etc.
  • Power Monitor: Allows you to monitor power usage across all areas of the ship, and power generation.
  • RCON Remote Control: Allows you to control the SMES across the ship, and enable the deck bypass systems.
  • Shield Generators Monitoring: Allows you to view, but not adjust, the settings and state of all shields across the ship.
  • Supermatter Monitoring: Allows you to monitor important readouts from the Supermatter chamber, such as the EER, temperature and atmospheric composition of the reactor chamber.

Medical Programs

  • Suit Sensors Monitoring: Gives you information on all crew that have their suit sensors turned on, depending on the level they have it set to. Very useful for hunting down wounded people. If you keep this program open on a tablet in your pocket, it will flash red when someone is hurt.

Security Programs

  • Warrant Assistant: Allows creation, modification and viewing of warrants.
  • Use of Force Authorization Manager: Allows you to allow/deny kill settings on weaponry, as well as see who has swiped their ID cards in their weapons and where the weapons are located.

Antagonist Programs

Downloading and using these programs will result in alarms being raised by the NTNet Diagnostics and Monitoring program. Methods for dealing with this, and countermeasures to these methods will be discussed later in this guide. Unlocking these programs in the download tool is done by using an emag on the computer. These programs tend to be very large and cannot be installed on PDAs.

  • Camera Decryption Tool: Allows you to access camera feeds without having the required access.
  • DDoS Traffic Generator: Allows you to force NTNet to shutdown until restarted by Engineering personnel, preventing many computing tasks from being possible such as tracing your computer, downloading new programs, etc. This program targets an NTNet Quantum Relay, of which there is one at the start of the round. More can be built to make the system more resistant. To fix NTNet after a DDoS, you must physically go to the relay and reset it.
  • NTNet Access Decrypter: Allows you to add accesses to the inserted ID card. This takes a significant amount of time to complete per access.
  • Revelation: This virus can be used to destroy the hard drive of the computer it is installed on. Can be useful for covering your tracks.
  • TaxQuickly 1.45b: This program comes pre-installed on many character's PDAs. For traitors that chose the PDA Uplink option it will allow you to spend your telecrystals for items. For non-antagonists this does nothing.

Using NTNet Diagnostics and Monitoring

This program is important for the Chief Engineer to understand. It provides many options for administrating and monitoring the NTNet activity aboard the ship.

  • Control Toggle: If someone is using a wireless computer to mess with the NTNet diagnostics program, you can shut them out by toggling this. Only computers with wired network cards will be able to use the program, forcing your adversary to be much less mobile.
  • Software Downloads Toggle: Stops all downloads of new software for everyone on the ship.
  • Peer to Peer Traffic: Toggle to prevent all P2P traffic via the NTNet P2P Transfer Client.
  • Communication Systems: Toggle to prevent all instant messaging via the NTNet Relay Chat Client.
  • Remote System Control: Toggle to prevent remote control of RCON, Air Alarms, etc.
  • Reset IDS: Turns off the IDS (Intrusion Detection System) alarm. This system detects antagonist program actions.
  • Toggle IDS: Toggles the IDS system.
  • Set Log Limit: Sets the max log limit between 10-500.
  • Purge Logs: Deletes logs. Will display a message saying they were deleted.
  • Add Blacklist Entry: Provide an NID to prevent it from accessing any network functions.
  • Remove Blacklist Entry: Remove an NID from blacklist.
  • System Logs: Logs all setting changes, all downloads, DDoS attacks, and NIDs of the responsible network cards.
  • Activate Terminal: Opens a terminal, same as Alt+Ctrl+Clicking a computer.

Using the Terminal

Depending on your Information Technology skill, the terminal will give you access to a list of commands that allow you to manipulate and gain information about your computer and NTNet. If you have the required access, it can allow useful features such as finding the physical location of an NID, and creating proxy links between computers to hide yourself. To access the terminal on a modular computer, Alt+Ctrl+Click on the computer. You can type 'man' in the terminal to find the commands you have access to, and 'man <command>' to find some information on how to use each command.

Command Description Min. IT Skill Needed
banned Manages the list of banned NIDs on the network. This is useful for detecting whether your proxy devices have been stopped physically or remotely.
  • banned: Lists all currently banned NIDs. Requires network operator access.
  • banned -b [nid]: Ban the specified NID. Requires network admin access.
  • banned -u [nid]: Unban the specified NID. Requires network admin access.
clear clear: Erases terminal output. Basic
exit exit: Closes the terminal. Basic
file Allows you to view and modify files on a device, depending on options used.
  • file: Lists all files on storage devices.
  • file -h [filename]: Toggles the hidden flag on the file.
  • file -r [filename]: remove the file.
  • file -m [filename] [filename2]: Move or rename the file to the second filename.
  • file -c [filename] [filename2]: Copy the file to the second filename.

If multiple storage devices are present, files on a specific device can be accessed by prefixing the filename with the device id. For example, the command 'file -m R:original C:result' would move a file with the name 'original' on the external storage device to the internal hard drive and rename it to 'result'. If no prefix is used, C: is assumed.

hwinfo Shows information about the hardware on the computer.
  • hwinfo: Lists the currently installed hardware in a computer. This can help you work out what kind of device a machine is once you've ssh'd into it – look at the network card type for a start.
  • hwinfo [name]: Runs diagnostic tests on the hardware components specified by [name].
ifconfig Returns information about the network adapter on this computer, listing the real and visible (proxy) NIDs.
  •    ifconfig: Returns NID information.
  •    ifconfig [nid]: Assign the specified NID to this interface.
locate locate [nid]: Attempts to locate the device with the given NID. The target device needs a direct connection to NTNet to work. If successful, this command gives you the location of the specified NID. Requires network operator or admin access. Use by non-admins is logged. Master
lock Lists storage devices or toggles read-only mode on them.
  • lock: Lists storage devices.
  • lock [did]: Toggles storage devices being read-only, specified by device id. For example, 'lock R' will toggle read-only mode on the device mounted on R:. Files on locked devices will be read-only, and new files cannot be created."
log log [email]: Emails the NTNet log to an e-mail account. Requires network operator or admin access. Use by non-admins is logged. Trained
man Gives info on the available commands and how to use them.
  • man: Shows list of available commands.
  • man [command]: Provides instructions on command use.
netscan netscan: Scans the network for connected devices and returns their NIDs. Experienced
ping ping [nid]: Checks connection to the given NID, or directly to NTNet relay if no NID is given. Useful for working out if a network card is removed/destroyed/offlined. Trained
prog Shows and manipulates programs running on the computer. Programs are executed using access credentials of the original terminal session.
  • prog: Lists all programs currently running by PID.
  • prog -f [pid]: Toggles the program between running in foreground or background.
  • prog -k: Terminates all running programs.
  • prog -k [pid]: Terminates the specified program.",
  • prog -x [filename]: Attempts to execute filename as a program.
  • prog -a: Clears the autorun setting.
  • prog -a[filename]: Set autorun to use the specified filename.
proxy Sets this computer up to use another as a proxy. If the proxy device also has a proxy itself set up, the last device in the chain is used. It is recommended that the user ensure that the target device is accessible.
  • proxy: Displays the proxy state of network device.
  • proxy -s: Clears proxy settings.
  • proxy -s [nid]: Sets proxy to the specified NID. A set proxy will route all traffic so it appears to NTNet to come from that NID. This is extremely useful for Antagonists for hiding their tracks. Multiple proxies can be chained together.

When a proxy is created, the target machine creates a log file called 'proxy', which lists the NID of the machine it is being proxy'd into from. If you are trying to follow a proxy-chain, this is the only way of determining the next link, which you can then blacklist or locate.

purge purge: Purges NTNet log and resets intrusion network alarm. Requires network admin access. Master
relays relays: Provides the number of currently active NTNet relays on the network. This is important for finding how resistant a network is to DDoS attacks, you will need to DDoS each relay separately. Requires network operator or admin access. Experienced
shutdown shutdown: Shuts down the computer this terminal is running on. Basic
ssh ssh [nid]: Creates a remote terminal on the targetted NID, allowing you to use all these commands as if you were using that machine. Requires network admin access. Experienced
status status: Lists the current status of NTNet and the network alarm. Requires network operator or admin access. Basic
sysnotify sysnotify [message]: Causes computer to play a sound and show the specified message to everyone around it. Experienced

Guide for New Players Map of the SEV Torch Character CreationRoleplayingControlsUser InterfaceSkillsHow to Sol GovPaperwork
SEV Torch Regulations
Alert ProcedureGeneral RegulationsSCG LawSol Code of Uniform JusticeStandard Operating ProcedureUniform GuideCourt Martial SOP
Ships and the Hangar
EVA and InternalsExplorationMiningShipsSupplyOFD
AtmosphericsComputingConstructionHackingRoboticsSMES UnitsSolarsSupermatterTelecommunicationsR-UST
AnomaliesIntegrated CircuitsResearch and DevelopmentXenoarchaeologyXenobiologyXenobotany
Antagonist UplinksPsionics
Contribution and Conduct
Appeals and ComplaintsCoding with NanoUIServer ModerationHow to Apply: ModeratorHow to Apply: Species AppsWiki Contribution