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From Baystation

A character has skills, which are a choice of strengths in different fields that can affect their abilities and chances of success in carrying out actions. The skills that a character has are dependent on their job – it is unlikely that a Commanding Officer will have a similar set of skills to an Engineer or Janitor.

Skill levels

Skill Levels
While skill levels mean different things for some skills, the general theme is as follows.
Unskilled You have no real experience – you've flipped through a booklet or watched an introductory video.

A skill at Untrained just isn't a part of your interests, career or personal.

Basic You have a little experience – you've taken a one-day practical course or been given minimum training.

A skill at Basic might be a hobby, something you use rarely, or perhaps you're just new and junior.

Trained You have working experience – you're employable in this field, and have had work experience or been formally taught.

A skill at Trained is your bread and butter. You use it daily in your job, or you've got a degree in it.

Experienced You're knowledgeable – this has been part of your daily job for some time, and you have practical knowledge, tricks, and shortcuts.

A skill at Experienced is your main focus. It's the core of your job, or you teach it.

Master You are this skill – you're a recognized expert, fast and reliable, perhaps even showy.

A skill at Master is something you've built your lift around, or you're a savant. Perhaps your other skills have suffered for it.

Selecting skills

Skill selection screen.

To access the skills selection screen you must click on the name of the job title you will be choosing.

Skills are tied to a character's occupations rather than the character as a whole. So if you have one character, but you play them as both chef and janitor, you may have moderately different skills across these two roles. To select skills for a position, click on the name of the position itself. This should open up a window like the one on the right (pictured), at the top you should see “Skill points remaining” - this is how many points you can put into your skills, each of which have costs associated with them. Different positions that demand experience and higher education will have more skill points available than positions that require little to no education, an example is that the Executive Officer has 40 points available while a Passenger only has 16.

Ensure the skills you select are entirely relevant to your occupation, they may have mechanical implications. However, while most occupations have their essential skills force-set, there is still some wiggle-room that can affect how your character is played. This means if you want to play a physician that is able to do surgery, but has a chance at making more errors, you can! Be sure to keep in mind that your character will still be expected to perform their job duties to a satisfactory standard, in line with server rules.

Skill Mechanics

In Baystation 12, skills can also have an impact on how your character performs their jobs and other duties; they are not just meant for role-play. The skills you choose and spend points on, in general, go hand in hand with the job your character will be performing. Because of the limited amount of points you will be granted, you should leave spending points on skills not in your job category for last.


These skills apply to day to day life, or to most jobs.

Your ability to perform tasks requiring strength, dexterity, and endurance.
Unskilled You can pull objects but start to generate lactate after tiring out. Your strength increases with level.

You can throw objects. Their speed, thrown distance, and force increases with level.

Basic You can throw "huge" items or normal-sized mobs without getting weakened.
Trained You have sufficient strength and dexterity for even very strenuous tasks, and can work for a long time without tiring.
Experienced You have experience with heavy work in trying physical conditions, and are in excellent shape. You visit the gym frequently.
Master In addition to your excellent strength and endurance, you have a lot of experience with the specific physical demands of your job. You may have competitive experience with some form of athletics.
Extra-Vehicular Activity (EVA)
Your ability to safely operate in low gravity with suits and jetpacks.
Unskilled Increased chance of slipping in no gravity. Can fumble jetpack controls and move in the wrong direction.
Basic Lower chance of slipping, lower chance of fumbling jetpack controls.
Trained Even lower chance of slipping, cannot fumble jetpack controls.
Experienced Cannot slip, cannot fall when moving from no gravity to gravity.
Master Can move faster than normal with jetpacks.
Exosuit Operation
Your ability to operate heavy machinery, including exosuits and ground vehicles.Requires Trained EVA.
Unskilled You are unable to pilot exosuits properly, causing them to move at random when you attempt to operate them.
Trained You are proficient in exosuit operation and safety, and can use them without penalties.
Your ability and understanding of piloting spacecraft.
Unskilled Can operate the GUP. Can fumble other ship controls and move in the wrong direction.
Basic You can pilot a small, short-range craft safely, but larger ships are out of your area of expertise. You are by no means an expert, and probably don't have much training. Skills of this level are typical for deck crew.
  • You can operate the Aquila and the Charon.
  • Ship movement is no longer randomized.
Trained You are a trained pilot, and can safely operate anything from a small craft to a corvette. You can spend extended periods of time piloting a spacecraft, and you're versed in the abilities of different ships, and what makes them function. You can do basic maintenance on smaller vessels, and perform most basic maneuvers. You can use armed spacecraft. You can make basic calculations relating to piloting. Skills of this level are typical for newer pilots. You have probably received formal piloting training.
  • You can operate the Torch.
Experienced You are an experienced pilot, and can safely take the helm of many types of craft. You could probably live in a spacecraft, and you're very well versed in essentially everything related to space-faring vessels. Not only can you fly a ship, but you can perform difficult maneuvers, and make most calculations related to piloting a spacecraft. You can maintain a ship. Skills of this level are typical for very experienced pilots. You have received formal piloting training.
Master Not only are you an exceptional pilot, but you have mastered peripheral functions such as stellar navigation and bluespace jump plotting. You have experience performing complex maneuvers, managing squadrons of small craft, and operating in hostile environments.
  • Less meteors will hit the ship while passing through meteor fields.


These skills apply to handling office politics, information, and money.

Your ability to write and complete paperwork, navigate complex organizations, and understand laws and regulations.
Unskilled You can usually fill out basic paperwork, if with a few errors. You have a vague understanding of the law, gleaned mostly from the news and personal experience.
Basic You are familiar with the paperwork needed to do your job, and can navigate it well. You have some understanding of the law as it applies to you and those around you.
Trained You can navigate most paperwork thrown at you, even if you are unfamiliar with it. You have a good working understanding of the law and any regulations or procedures relevant to you.
Experienced With your experience, you can easily create paperwork for any eventuality, and write reports which are clear and understandable. You have an excellent knowledge of the law, possibly including formal legal training.
Master You can make paperwork dance to your bidding, and navigate the most byzantine bureaucratic structures with ease and familiarity. Your reports are works of literature. Your knowledge of the law is both broad and intimate, and you may be certified to practice law.
Information Technology
Your understanding of computers, software, and communication.
Unskilled You know how to use the computers and communication devices that you grew up with. You can use a computer console, a handheld or wall-mounted radio, and your headset, as well as your PDA. You know what an AI is, but you may see them as either "people made of silicon" or "only machines"; you know they have to obey their laws, but you don't know much about how or why they work.
Basic You know the basics of programming, but you're not very good at it and couldn't do it professionally. You have a pretty good idea of what makes AIs tick. You understand how information is stored in a computer, and you can fix simple computer problems. You're computer-literate, but you still make mistakes. If you tried to subvert the AI, you might make mistakes in wording your new laws.
  • The antagonist access decryption program has a chance to avoid tripping alarms and working more effectively. This increases with level.
  • You can use the command line on modular computers (type "man" for a list).
Trained At this level, you're probably working with computers on a daily basis. You understand and can repair the telecommunications network. Your understanding of AI programming and psychology lets you fix problems with the AIs or cyborgs--or create problems, if you so desire. You can program computers and AIs and change their laws effectively.
  • You can fully operate the Network Monitor, E-mail Administration, and AI Management Programs.
Experienced You have years of experience with computer networks, AI systems, telecommunications, and sysadmin tasks. You know the systems used on a daily basis intimately, and can diagnose complex problems.
  • The antagonist dos program gives extra fake attacking nodes to the system log.
Master People are probably starting to wonder whether you might be a computer yourself. Computer code is your first language; you relate to AIs as easily as (probably more easily than) organics. You could build a telecommunications network from the ground up.
Your ability to manage money and investments.
Unskilled Your understanding of money starts and ends with personal finance. While you are able to perform basic transactions, you get lost in the details, and can find yourself ripped off on occasion.
  • You get some starting money. Its amount increases with level.
  • You can use the verb "Appraise" to see the value of different objects.
Basic You have some limited understanding of financial transactions, and will generally be able to keep accurate records. You have little experience with investment, and managing large sums of money will likely go poorly for you.
Trained You are good at managing accounts, keeping records, and arranging transactions. You have some familiarity with mortgages, insurance, stocks, and bonds, but may be stumped when facing more complicated financial devices.
Experienced With your experience, you are familiar with any financial entities you may run across, and are a shrewd judge of value. More often than not, investments you make will pan out well.
Master You have an excellent knowledge of finance, will often make brilliant investments, and have an instinctive feel for interstellar economics. Financial instruments are weapons in your hands. You likely have professional experience in the finance industry.


These skills apply to construction and demolition, electrical systems, atmospherics, and engines.

Your knowledge of piping, air distribution and gas dynamics.
Unskilled You know that the air monitors flash orange when the air is bad and red when it's deadly. You know that a flashing fire door means danger on the other side. You know that some gases are poisonous, that pressure has to be kept in a safe range, and that most creatures need oxygen to live. You can use a fire extinguisher or deploy an inflatable barrier.
Basic You know how to read an air monitor, how to use an air pump, how to analyze the atmosphere in a space, and how to help seal a breach. You can lay piping and work with gas tanks and canisters. If you work with the engine, you can set up the cooling system. You can use a fire extinguisher easily and place inflatable barriers so that they allow convenient access and airtight breach containment.
Trained You can run the atmospherics system. You know how to monitor the air quality across the installation, detect problems, and fix them. You're trained in dealing with fires, breaches, and gas leaks, and may have exosuit or fire gear training.
Experienced Your atmospherics experience lets you find, diagnose, and fix breaches efficiently. You can manage complex atmospherics systems without fear of making mistakes, and are proficient with all monitoring and pumping equipment at your disposal.
Master You are an atmospherics specialist. You monitor, modify, and optimize the installation atmospherics system, and you can quickly and easily deal with emergencies. You can modify atmospherics systems to do pretty much whatever you want them to. You can easily handle a fire or breach, and are proficient at securing an area and rescuing civilians, but you're equally likely to have simply prevented it from happening in the first place.
Your ability to construct various structures, such as walls and floors. Note that constructing devices such as APCs additionally requires the Electronics skill.
Unskilled You can break furniture, disassemble chairs and tables, bash your way through a window, open a crate, or pry open an unpowered airlock. You can recognize and use basic hand tools and inflatable barriers, though not very well.
Basic You can dismantle or build a wall or window, redecorate a room, and replace floor tiles and carpeting. You can safely use a welder without burning your eyes, and using hand tools is second nature to you.
  • You can construct items from Steel, Wood and Plastic.
Trained You can build, repair, or dismantle most things, but will occasionally make mistakes and have things not come out the way you expected.
  • You can construct items from Bronze, Gold, Osmium, Plasteel, Platinum, Reinforced Glass, Sandstone, Silver, Deuterium, Metallic Hydrogen, Phoron, Phoron Glass, Tritium, and Uranium.
  • You can construct furniture.
  • You can construct simple objects such as light fixtures, crude weapons, and wall-mounted frames.
Experienced You know how to seal a breach, rebuild broken piping, and repair major damage. You know the basics of structural engineering.
  • You can construct items from Osmium-Carbide Plasteel, Titanium, Diamond and make complex objects such as machine and weapon frames.
Master You are a construction worker or engineer. You could pretty much rebuild the installation or ship from the ground up, given supplies, and you're efficient and skilled at repairing damage.
Electrical Engineering
Your knowledge of electronics and the underlying physics.
Unskilled You know that electrical wires are dangerous and getting shocked is bad; you can see and report electrical malfunctions such as broken wires or malfunctioning APCs. You can change a light bulb, and you know how to replace a battery or charge up the equipment you normally use.
  • Every time you open the hacking panel, wires are randomized.
  • Every time you pulse a wire, there is a chance you pulse a different one.
  • Every time you cut a wire, there is a chance you cut/mend extra ones.
  • You can misconnect remote signaling devices.
Basic You can do basic wiring; you can lay cable for solars or the engine. You can repair broken wiring and build simple electrical equipment like light fixtures or APCs. You know the basics of circuits and understand how to protect yourself from electrical shock. You can probably hack a vending machine.
  • Every time you open the hacking panel, some wires might be duplicated.
Trained You can repair and build electrical equipment and do so on a regular basis. You can troubleshoot an electrical system and monitor the installation power grid. You can probably hack an airlock.
  • You can safely hack machines.
Experienced You can repair, build, and diagnose any electrical devices with ease. You know your way around APCs, SMES units, and monitoring software, and take apart or hack most objects.
  • You can safely place remote signaling devices.
  • You can examine one or two wires on the hacking panel.
Master You are an electrical engineer or the equivalent. You can design, upgrade, and modify electrical equipment and you are good at maximizing the efficiency of your power network. You can hack anything on the installation and you can deal with power outages and electrical problems easily and efficiently.
  • You can examine most wires on the hacking panel.
Your knowledge of the various engine and generator types common in space.
Unskilled You know that "delamination" is a bad thing and that you should stay away from the singularity. You know the engine provides power, but you're unclear on the specifics. If you were to try to set up the engine, you would need someone to talk you through every detail--and even then, you'd probably make deadly mistakes.
  • You can read the SM monitor readings with 40% error. This decreases with level.
Basic You know the basic theoretical principles of engine operation. You can try to set up the engine by yourself, but you are likely to need some assistance and supervision, otherwise you are likely to make mistakes. You are fully capable of running a PACMAN-type generator.
Trained You can set up the engine, and you probably won't botch it up too badly. You know how to protect yourself from radiation in the engine room. You can read the engine monitors and keep the engine going. An engine malfunction may stump you, but you can probably work out how to fix it... let's just hope you do so quickly enough to prevent serious damage.
  • You can fully read the SM monitor readings.
Experienced You have years of experience with engines, and can set them up quickly and reliably. You're familiar with engine types other than the one you work with.
  • You can examine the SM directly for its integrity.
Master Your engine is your baby and you know every minute detail of its workings. You can optimize the engine and you probably have your own favorite custom setup. You could build an engine from the ground up. When things go wrong, you know exactly what has happened and how to fix the problem. You can safely handle singularities and supermatter.
  • You can examine the SM directly for an approximate number of its EER.


These skills have to do with general medical knowledge, chemistry, and other things pertaining to the medical department.

This skill covers the understanding of the body and its organs. It affects the speed of surgeries. It is extremely dangerous to do surgery with a low Anatomy skill.
Unskilled You know what organs, bones, and such are, and you know roughly where they are. You know that someone who's badly hurt or sick may need surgery. High chance to fumble all surgery steps. Delicate steps (like attaching organs) fumble even more often.
Basic You've taken an anatomy class and you've spent at least some time poking around inside actual people. You know where everything is, more or less. You could assist in surgery, if you have the required medical skills. If you have the forensics knowledge, you could perform an autopsy. If you really had to, you could probably perform basic surgery such as an appendectomy, but you're not yet a qualified surgeon and you really shouldn't – not unless it's an emergency. If you're a xenobiologist, you know how to take out slime cores.
  • You can do surgery but you are very likely to fail at every step. Its speed increases with level.
Trained You have some training in anatomy. Diagnosing broken bones, damaged ligaments, shrapnel wounds, and other trauma is straightforward for you. You can splint limbs with a good chance of success, operate a defibrillator competently, and perform CPR well. Surgery is still outside your training.
  • Required for cybernetic procedures on organic bodies.
Experienced You're a surgical resident, or an experienced medical doctor. You can put together broken bones, fix a damaged lung, patch up a liver, or remove an appendix without problems. But tricky surgeries, with an unstable patient or delicate manipulation of vital organs like the heart and brain, are at the edge of your ability, and you prefer to leave them to specialized surgeons. You can recognize when someone's anatomy is noticeably unusual. You're trained in working with several species, but you're probably better at surgery on your own species.
  • Required for performing surgery.
Master You are an experienced surgeon. You can handle anything that gets rolled, pushed, or dragged into the OR, and you can keep a patient alive and stable even if there's no one to assist you. You can handle severe trauma cases or multiple organ failure, repair brain damage, and perform heart surgery. By now, you've probably specialized in one field, where you may have made new contributions to surgical technique. You can detect even small variations in the anatomy of a patient – even a changeling probably wouldn't slip by your notice, provided you could get one on the operating table.
  • The penalty from operating on improper operating surfaces is reduced.
Your knowledge and practical ability with chemicals and chemistry machinery. This does not include knowledge of the effects of medicines on the body. It is extremely dangerous to do chemistry with a low Chemistry skill.
Unskilled You know that chemists work with chemicals; you know that they can make medicine or poison or useful chemicals. You probably know what an element is and have a vague idea of what a chemical reaction is from some chemistry class in your high school days.
  • Grinder: Can fumble and hurt your hands, and has a low yield. Yield increases with skill.
  • ChemMaster, Thorough Mode: Buffer transfers lose chemicals. Loss decreases with skill.
  • ChemMaster, Quick Mode: Buffer transfers can move other chemicals as well. Chance decreases with skill.
  • Dispenser: Can add up to 2 contaminants as well. The amount dispensed is inaccurate.
  • Science glasses/HUD: Allow you to reveal the chemicals in a container by examining. Accuracy increases with skill.
Basic You can make basic chemicals or medication--things like space cleaner or anti-toxin. You have some training in safety and you won't blow up the lab... probably.
  • You can safely use the All-In-One Grinder but lose some ingredients. Its amount decreases with skill level.
  • Dispenser: Can add 1 contaminant as well. The amount dispensed is more accurate.
Trained You can accurately measure out reagents, grind powders, and perform chemical reactions. You may still lose some product on occasion, but are unlikely to endanger yourself or those around you.
  • You can fully operate the Chemistry Dispenser.
Experienced You work as a chemist, or else you are a doctor with training in chemistry. If you are a research chemist, you can produce most useful chemicals; if you are a pharmacist, you can make most medications. At this stage, you're working mostly by-the-book. You can weaponize your chemicals by making grenades, smoke bombs, and similar devices.
  • Examining A Held Container: Reveals the scannable chemicals it contains.
Master You specialized in chemistry or pharmaceuticals; you are either a medical researcher or professional chemist. You can create custom mixes and make even the trickiest of medications easily. You understand how your pharmaceuticals interact with the bodies of your patients. You are probably the originator of at least one new chemical innovation.
  • You can examine held containers for all reagents.
  • Examining A Held Container: Reveals all of the chemicals it contains.
Medicine covers the understanding of the human body and medicine. Low levels give general knowledge of basic medicines and simple medical devices. High levels give exact knowledge of medicines and medical devices. It is dangerous to use medicine and medical devices with a low medicine skill.
Unskilled You know basic first aid, such as how to apply a bandage or ointment to an injury. You can use an autoinjector designed for civilian use, probably by reading the directions printed on it. You can tell when someone is badly hurt and needs a doctor; you can see whether someone has a badly broken bone, is having trouble breathing, or is unconscious. You may not be able to tell the difference between unconscious and dead.
  • Health Analyzer displays partial, badly formatted results.
  • Body Scanner displays partial, badly formatted results.
  • Syringes injecting always acts as if on harm; drawing blood can fumble and injure the patient.
  • IV Drip removing the IV always rips it out; inserting it can fumble and injure the patient.
  • Sleeper does not display patient status, dialysis and stomach pumping are not available.
  • Defibrillator can fumble and shock the patient or user.
Basic You've taken a first-aid training, nursing, or EMT course. You can stop bleeding, do CPR, apply a splint, take someone's pulse, apply trauma and burn treatments, and read a handheld health scanner. You probably know that Dylovene helps with poisoning and Dexalin helps people with breathing problems; you can use a syringe or start an IV. You've been briefed on the symptoms of common emergencies like a punctured lung, appendicitis, alcohol poisoning, or broken bones, and though you can't treat them, you know that they need a doctor's attention. You can recognize most emergencies as emergencies and safely stabilize and transport a patient.
  • You can fully operate Defibrillators, Health Analyzers, IV drips, and Syringes.
  • Health Analyzer, Syringes, IV Drip, and Defibrillator work correctly.
  • Sleeper can do dialysis and stomach pumping.
Trained You are an experienced EMT, an experienced nurse, or a medical resident. You know how to treat most illnesses and injuries, though exotic illnesses and unusual injuries may still stump you. You have probably begun to specialize in some sub-field of medicine. In emergencies, you can think fast enough to keep your patients alive, and even when you can't treat a patient, you know how to find someone who can. You can use a full-body scanner, and you know something's off about a patient with an alien parasite or cortical borer.
  • You can fully operate Sleepers.
  • Required for simple surgery (incisions etc).
  • You can apply splints without failing.
  • Body Scanner displays correctly.
  • Sleeper displays patient status.
  • Splints always succeed when applying to others.
Experienced You are a senior nurse or paramedic, or a practicing doctor. You know how to use all of the medical devices available to treat a patient. Your deep knowledge of the body and medications will let you diagnose and come up with a course of treatment for most ailments. You can perform a full-body scan thoroughly and find important information.
  • You can fully operate Body Scanners.
  • Required for delicate surgery (anything involving organs and so on)
  • You can set IV drips to a custom flow rate between 0.0 to 2.0. Numbers are rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.1.
Master You are an experienced doctor or an expert nurse or EMT. You've seen almost everything there is to see when it comes to injuries and illness and even when it comes to something you haven't seen, you can apply your wide knowledge base to put together a treatment. In a pinch, you can do just about any medicine-related task, but your specialty, whatever it may be, is where you really shine.


These skills have to do with your ability to research, handle complex devices, and perform scientific research.

Complex Devices
Your ability to assemble complex devices, such as computers, circuits, printers, robots or gas tank assemblies (bombs).
Unskilled You know how to use the technology that was present in whatever society you grew up in. You know how to tell when something is malfunctioning, but you have to call tech support to get it fixed.
Basic You use and repair high-tech equipment in the course of your daily work. You can fix simple problems, and you know how to use a circuit printer or autolathe. You can build simple robots such as cleanbots and medibots.
Trained You can build or repair an exosuit or cyborg chassis, use a protolathe and destructive analyzer, and build prosthetic limbs. You can safely transfer an MMI or posibrain into a cyborg chassis.
  • You can attach robotic limbs. Its speed increases with level.
  • Required for robotic surgery steps. If meat bodies are involved, also need Trained Anatomy.
Experienced You have years of experience building or reverse-engineering complex devices. Your use of the lathes and destructive analyzers is efficient and methodical. You can design contraptions to order, and likely sell those designs at a profit.
Master You are an inventor or researcher. You can design, build, and modify equipment that most people don't even know exists. You are at home in the lab and the workshop and you've never met a gadget you couldn't take apart, put back together, and replicate.
Your experience and knowledge with scientific methods and processes.
Unskilled You know what science is and probably have a vague idea of the scientific method from your high school science classes.
Basic You keep up with scientific discoveries. You know a little about most fields of research. You've learned basic laboratory skills. You may read about science as a hobby; or you may be working in a field related to science and have learned about science that way. You could design a simple experiment.
Trained You are a scientist, perhaps a graduate student or post-graduate researcher. You can design an experiment, analyze your results, publish your data, and integrate what you've learned with the research of other scientists. Your laboratory skills are reliable, and you know how to find information you need when you research a new scientific topic.
Experienced You are a junior researcher. You can formulate your own questions, use the tools at hand to test your hypotheses, and investigate entirely new phenomena. You likely have a track record of success in publishing your conclusions and attracting funding.
Master You are a professional researcher, and you have made multiple new discoveries in your field. Your experiments are well-designed. You are known as an authority in your specialty and your papers often appear in prestigious journals. You may be coordinating the research efforts of a team of scientists, and likely know how to make your findings appealing to investors.


These skills have to do with close combat, forensic science, and weapons handling.

Close Combat
Your training in hand-to-hand combat or melee weapon usage.
Unskilled You can throw a punch or a kick, but it'll knock you off-balance. You're inexperienced and have probably never been in a serious hand-to-hand fight. In a fight, you might panic and run, grab whatever's nearby and blindly strike out with it, or (if the other guy is just as much of a beginner as you are) make a fool out of yourself.
  • You can disarm, grab, and hit. The success chance depends on the fighters' skill difference.
Basic You either have some experience with fistfights, or you have some training in a martial art. You can handle yourself if you really have to, and if you're a security officer, can handle a stun baton at least well enough to get the handcuffs onto a criminal.
Trained You have had close-combat training, and can easily defeat unskilled opponents. Close combat may not be your specialty, and you don't engage in it more than needed, but you know how to handle yourself in a fight.
  • You can parry with weapons. This increases with level.
  • You can do grab maneuvers (pinning, dislocating).
Experienced You're good at hand-to-hand combat. You've trained explicitly in a martial art or as a close combatant as part of a military or police unit. You can use weaponry competently and you can think strategically and quickly in a melee. You're in good shape and you spend time training.
Master You specialize in hand-to-hand combat. You're well-trained in a practical martial art, and in good shape. You spend a lot of time practicing. You can take on just about anyone, use just about any weapon, and usually come out on top. You may be a professional athlete or special forces member.
Forensics is used to handle forensic evidence safely and to use forensics equipment to hunt down criminals.
Unskilled You know that detectives solve crimes. You may have some idea that it's bad to contaminate a crime scene, but you're not too clear on the details. Increased chance of leaving fingerprints when touching things. Can contaminate evidence when trying to put it in evidence bags.
Basic You know how to avoid contaminating a crime scene. Can safely handle evidence bags, normal chance to leave fingerprints and such.
Trained You are trained in collecting forensic evidence - fibers, fingerprints, the works. You know how autopsies are done, and might've assisted performing one.
  • You can more easily detect fingerprints. Can use forensics equipment, evidence collections kits and machinery. You no longer contaminate evidence.
Experienced You're a pathologist, or detective. You've seen your share of bizarre cases, and spent a lot of time putting pieces of forensic puzzle together, so you're faster now.
  • You can notice additional details upon examining, such as fibers, partial prints, and gunshot residue. Can detect fibers, prints and GSR on examination up to a tile away.
Master You're a big name in forensic science. You might be an investigator who cracked a famous case, or you published papers on new methods of forensics. Either way, if there's a forensic trail, you will find it, period.
  • You can notice traces of wiped off blood. Increased detection range to two tiles.
Weapons Expertise
Weapons Expertise is required to safely and efficiently handle guns. Without at least basic gun handling skill you'll be prone to safety-related accidents, while higher skills increase accuracy, especially in stressful conditions.
Unskilled You know how to recognize a weapon when you see one. You can point a gun and shoot it, though results vary wildly. You might forget the safety, you can't control burst recoil well, and you don't have trained reflexes for gun fighting. Can accidentally set safety on while handling guns. Need to examine guns to see safety state. If gun's not on safety, can accidentally discharge it while putting it in bags/holsters/pockets or taking it out.
Basic You know how to handle weapons safely, and you're comfortable using simple weapons. Your aim is decent and you can usually be trusted not to do anything stupid with a weapon you are familiar with, but your training isn't automatic yet and your performance will degrade in high-stress situations.
  • You can use firearms. Their accuracy and spread depend on your skill level. Can see the safety state on the gun's icon when in inventory, and can tell if the gun is jammed. Still not as good in combat situations – accuracy penalty when in pain, can fail at reflexive fire, less accurate automatic fire.
Trained You have had extensive weapons training, or have used weapons in combat. Your aim is better now. You are familiar with most types of weapons and can use them in a pinch. You have an understanding of tactics, and can be trusted to stay calm under fire. You may have military or police experience and you probably carry a weapon on the job. Can ignore accuracy penalty from minor pain, can tell how many rounds are left in the gun, no extra accuracy loss when firing bursts, slightly better accuracy overall, chance to switch safety off when unholstering a weapon with harm intent.
Experienced You've used firearms and other ranged weapons in high-stress situations, and your skills have become automatic. Your aim is good. Further accuracy bonus, higher chance to automatically clear a jam, guaranteed to switch safety off when unholstering a weapon with harm intent. You can perform tactical and speed reloads on weapons.
Master You are an exceptional shot with a variety of weapons, from simple to exotic. You use a weapon as naturally as though it were a part of your own body. You may be a sniper or special forces operator of some kind.
  • You get extra accuracy for sniper rifles.
  • You automatically eject shells from bolt-action firearms.


These skills have to do with your ability to grow plants, and cook food.

Required to effectively tend to plants. A low skill level is enough to grow crops, but plant science and xenobotany require a higher level.
Unskilled You know next to nothing about plants. While you can attempt to plant, weed, or harvest, you are just as likely to kill the plant instead.
  • General: Cannot recognize whether weeds or pests harm the plant. Planting might not be successful. Attempts at weeding can harm actual plant.
  • Bioballistic Delivery System: Has a chance to fail at extracting the gene. Increases seed degradation more rapidly.
  • Lysis-Isolation Centrifuge: Has a chance to fail at extracting the gene. Increases seed degradation more rapidly.
Basic You've done some gardening. You can water, weed, fertilize, plant, and harvest, and you can recognize and deal with pests. You may be a hobby gardener.
  • You can safely plant and weed normal plants.
  • You can tell weeds and pests apart from each other.
  • General: Works normally for non-exotic seeds.
Trained You are proficient at botany, and can grow plants for food or oxygen production. Your plants will generally survive and prosper. You know the basics of manipulating plant genes.
  • You can safely plant and weed exotic plants.
  • You can operate xenoflora machines. The sample's degradation decreases with skill level.
  • General: Works normally for exotic seeds.
  • Bioballistic Delivery System: Works normally.
  • Lysis-Isolation Centrifuge: Works normally.
Experienced You're a botanist or farmer, capable of running a facility's hydroponics farms or doing botanical research. You are adept at creating custom hybrids and modified strains.
  • Bioballistic Delivery System: Slower seed degradation.
  • Lysis-Isolation Centrifuge: Slower seed degradation.
Master You're a specialized botanist. You can care for even the most exotic, fragile, or dangerous plants. You can use gene manipulation machinery with precision, and are often able to avoid the degradation of samples.
Describes a character's ability to prepare meals and other consumable goods. This includes mixing alcoholic beverages.
Unskilled You barely know anything about cooking, and stick to vending machines when you can. The microwave is a device of black magic to you, and you avoid it when possible.
Basic You can make simple meals and do the cooking for your family. Things like spaghetti, grilled cheese, or simple mixed drinks are your usual fare.
  • You can safely use the All-In-One Grinder.
Trained You can make most meals while following instructions, and they generally turn out well. You have some experience with hosting, catering, and/or bartending.
  • You can fully operate the drink dispensers.
Experienced You can cook professionally, keeping an entire crew fed easily. Your food is tasty and you don't have a problem with tricky or complicated dishes. You can be depended on to make just about any commonly-served drink.
Master Not only are you good at cooking and mixing drinks, but you can manage a kitchen staff and cater for special events. You can safely prepare exotic foods and drinks that would be poisonous if prepared incorrectly.

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