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From Baystation
Difficulty: Hard
Supervisor: Chief Medical Officer
Branches: Expeditionary Corps, Sol Central Government Fleet, Civilian
- EC:
Ensign (O-1)
- Fleet:
Ensign (O-1), Sub-Lieutenant (O-2)
- Civilian:
Ranks (Trainee):
- EC: Ensign (O-1)
- Fleet: Ensign (O-1)
- Civilian: Contractor
Alternate Titles: Surgeon
Duties: Heal the crew's injuries. Perform surgery. Keep people alive. Yell dramatically when you fail to do so.
Related Guides: Guide to Medicine, Guide to Surgery, Guide to Chemistry

The Physician is the primary Medical role and practitioner aboard the SEV Torch. Unlike the Medical Technician, who is generally concerned with retrieving patients from the field and acting as a gopher for other Medical personnel, the Physician is expected to perform intensive medicine on a regular basis, ranging from checkups with the crew to intensive surgery. They are the main workhorse for the department, and should be ready to handle all manner of medical emergencies should they arise.

Physicians are ranked as staff officers and answer directly to the Chief Medical Officer.

The Medical Resident is a training role designed for players to learn the mechanics and responsibilities of the Physician. Medical Residents have the same duties as Physicians, but are understood to be new to the role and are there primarily to learn OOC-ly. The Medical Resident follows the chain of command as normal, but is also subordinate to all other Physicians aboard the ship. Don't be afraid to ask other Medical personnel for help!

Starting Out

Much like the Chief Medical Officer, the Physician is expected to have a comprehensive grasp on the systems of medical, and should be able to do most of them on their own should the need arise. As a full, competent department is a luxury few can afford, it may fall to you to do things like mixing medicines, retrieving injured crewmembers, and performing triage.

Roundstart duties checklist

  • Turn on the suit sensor screen mounted on the wall of the Infirmary's main hallway.
  • Set up the cryo cells by insert the two beakers containing Cryoxadone into the cells (or upgrade to Clonexadone once the Pharmacy is up and running).
  • Suit up and get equipped. Your Physician's locker contains a medical belt for storage. The items you'll generally want to keep close at hand are:
    • A health analyzer, for giving a quick readout of a patient's status. You also have a scanner that performs the same function in your PDA.
    • Medicine such as Bicaridine, Kelotane/Dermaline, Dylovene, Inaprovaline, Dexalin/Dexalin Plus, and Tramadol
    • A couple syringes, for injecting medicine
    • A couple advanced trauma kits and advanced burn kits
    • Sterile gloves and a sterile mask, in case of unexpected surgery
  • Order extra medical supplies from Supply, or make your Medical Technicians do it. Generally, you'll want to order acetone and carbon (for chemistry), as well as NanoBlood.
  • Attach blood bags to the roller beds in the Emergency Treatment Center. Click on the beds with the blood bag in your hand to attach them.
  • Bring an IV into the operating theaters.
  • If a Pharmacist doesn't look like they'll be waking up any time soon, it's time to decide who among your coworkers should start doing chemistry.
  • (Optional) Use the space cleaner on the desk in the infirmary lobby to clean up any residual filth. A clean medbay is a productive medbay.

Essentials Of Doctoring

For an in-depth look at your expected duties, see Guide to Medicine, Guide to Surgery, and Guide to Chemistry.

Working in medical is a largely unpredictable job, characterized by long periods of inactivity followed by sudden bursts of extreme chaos. Adaptability in a crisis as well as quick thinking is a must; you need to be ready for just about anything. That said, there's several things you can do to mitigate patients dying left and right.

Patient Processing Procedure

So a critical patient has just been wheeled in the ETC, and it is your job to fix them. Don't panic! Just follow these simple steps to figure out what to do next.

  1. Analyze the patient. In the real world, the EMT would give you the patient's condition, but that's too slow on Baystation12 and you can get the same information from the health analyzer much more quickly.
    • If the patient's brain activity is extremely weak or fading, don't bother with a full-body scan - get them into surgery right away.
  2. Stop any bleeding. A good Medical Technician should have already stopped any bleeding before transporting the patient, but sometimes patients make their own way and sometimes Medical Technicians aren't very good.
    • Does the patient have low blood volume? Hook them up to an IV or a blood bag attached to a roller bed to bring their blood oxygenation back to a safer level.
  3. Put them in the scanner. The analyzer can miss a lot of things, and doesn't give details on internal injuries or what organs are damaged. Check for anything that looks like it will require surgery and if so, push the scan to the displays. The scan will then be available on the displays above the operating tables. You can also print the results, which is useful if there are lots of patients that need treatment as you can free up the scanner and read the results while the next patient is being scanned.
  4. If the patient needs surgery, get them to surgery as soon as possible. If no surgeons are available, try to keep them alive until they can get surgery; a cryo cell or a sleeper with the stasis setting on high is helpful when the patient is critical.
  5. Move a stable patient to the sub-acute ward. By keeping the Emergency Treatment Center free of patients that don't need urgent care, you make it easier to deal with the patients that do need care. Treat the patient as needed until the analyzer reports them clear.
  6. Scan the patient in the body scanner before discharging them. This is a final assurance that everything has been treated and they are safe to leave.

Keep in mind that these steps are a guide, and you'll have to work outside them sometimes. Making calls tailored to the situation is a learned skill.

Keeping the ETC (Relatively) Clear

  • Opposite the reception desk is an exam room containing a second body scanner. If a patient comes in complaining of minor injuries or has a concern of a potentially more serious condition, you can scan them in there.
  • Use the health analyzer before administering any medicine. Other medical personnel may try to "help" in the 10 seconds you were away from the patient, so it's a good idea to make sure you aren't about to overdose them on Tramadol.
  • Try to keep people that aren't doctors or patients out of the ETC. (Security in particular likes to stay right next to an injured criminal the whole time they're being treated.) If you can't convince them to leave, inform them that they should stay out of the way of doctors doing their job unless they want to be court-martialed for preventing medical practice.
  • In a worst-case scenario, an unruly or aggressive patient can be sedated with Soporific (though this takes a while to take effect) or a small amount of Chloral Hydrate.


As a Traitor Physician, there are a variety of interesting options open to you. After all, critical cases turn up all the time, and not all of them are salvageable. It may be the case that your hand slips at the wrong moment, and the Commanding Officer ends up in the Morgue. Or perhaps you can abuse your access to dangerous chemicals and syringe guns to sedate, poison, or torture your victims. And since you're probably the one conducting any given autopsies, who's to say that there was ever a murder to begin with?

Bridge OfficerCommanding OfficerCorporate LiaisonExecutive OfficerSEASCGR
Chief EngineerEngineerEngineer TraineeRoboticistSenior Engineer
ExplorerPathfinderShuttle Pilot
Chief Medical OfficerCounselorMedical TechnicianMedical ResidentPharmacistPhysicianTrainee Medical Technician
Chief Science OfficerResearch AssistantScientistSenior Researcher
Brig ChiefChief of SecurityForensic TechnicianMaster at Arms
ChaplainChief StewardCrewmanSanitation TechnicianSteward
Deck ChiefDeck TechnicianProspector
ChangelingCultistLoyalistMercenaryMutineerOperativeRaiderRenegadeTraitorVox Raider