More actions
A variety of differing prefixes are used in vessel designations across the galaxy. Most ships in the Sol Central Government are registered by the SCG Bureau of Ships.
Sol Central Government
- SCGDV - Sol Central Government Diplomatic Vessel (Vessels affiliated with SCG diplomats and ambassadors)
- SRV - Sol Research Vessel (Research-oriented vessels affiliated with the SCG)
Sol Defense Forces/Fleet
- SDFV - Sol Defence Forces Vessel (Vessels affiliated with SCG Defence Forces that are not directly part of the Fleet)
- SFV - Sol Fleet Vessel (Vessels affiliated with the SCG Fleet)
Expeditionary Corps
- SEV - Sol Expeditionary Vessel (Vessels affiliated with the SCG Expeditionary Corps)
- TEV - Terran Expeditionary Vessel (No longer in use. Vessels affiliated with the old Terran Commonwealth Expeditionary Corps)
Gilgamesh Colonial Confederation
- GCNV - Gilgamesh Confederate Naval Vessel (Vessels affiliated with the ICCG Navy)
- GCCV - Gilgamesh Confederation Civilian Vessel (Vessels affiliated with the Free Trade Union and its citizens, registered through the GCC Ministry of Transit, or other civilian Vessels registered within the Gilgamesh Colonial Confederation)
Other Factions
- FTV - Free Trade Vessel (Vessels affiliated with the Free Trade Union and its citizens, registered through the SCG Bureau of Ships)
- IPV - Independent Private/Passenger Vessel (Privately owned craft not affiliated with any specific organization)
- ITV - Independent Trader Vessel (Privately owned merchant vessels not affiliated with any specific organization)
- SSV - Skrellian Scout Vessel (Skrellian government scouting vessels)
- UFS - United Flotilla Ship (Vessels affiliated with the Alliance United Flotillas, the space fleet of the Frontier Alliance)