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This page deals with the events constituting the framework of Unathi historiography.
Although history and archaeology on Moghes are yet to be consolidated into proper scientific disciplines, many of the Unathi clans have been recording their history for millennia. Apart from rich oral tradition, textile art is used to keep track of the events, a practice known to the outsiders as “skein-weaving”: the term itself being a corrupted Sinta’Unathi word “sskhien”, meaning “tapestry” or “gobelin”. The intricate web of Sinta glyphs covering the skein are carefully handcrafted by Martiarchs, telling stories of great heroes and rulers, toil and sacrifice, religion and day-to-day life. The skein is a great treasure to any clan, and even in times most dire the clansmen will attempt to preserve their legacy at any cost. As of recent, however, there have been attempts at more systematic research by many individual clans and other entities. At first it was fueled by the artifact rush – improvements in technology and method, allowed by foreign investment, have led to a renewed scramble for Precursor ruins, once hidden under radioactive sands but now excavated and looted. Later, major guilds have utilized their influence over the kaahnepos to crack down on prowlers and take over the excavation parties themselves.
Most Worshipful Company of Restorers is a secretive, almost cult-like guild which devotes its efforts towards repairing and preserving ancient artifacts. Quartering in Si'gek Nels'thar of the North Pole, it is headed by Jhoge Korrliss Thrlass. Over the years the guild had accumulated considerable knowledge of ancient history, with the inner circle of the organization making sure that only chosen few stay in possession of invaluable lore. While there have been several attempts to create a comprehensive guide to the history of Moghes (including one undertaken by Skrell), Restorers were among the first natives to use a coherent linear timeline in their works, based on both tradition and actual data. It is usually rendered using the traditional Unathi calendar. [Note: the Unathi year roughly equals 400 Solar days, and consists of two seasons.] The timeline is divided into six unequal periods:
- The Era of Spirits: from times immemorial to ~90,000 BCE (168,500 seasons ago).
- Old Heroic Era: 90 – 80,000 BCE (168,500 to 150,000 seasons ago).
- The Era of Struggle 90 – 40,000 BCE (150,000 to 77,200 seasons ago).
- Heroic Era: 40 – 10,000 BCE (77,200 to 22,500 seasons ago).
- The Era of Tradition: 10,000 – 1000 AD (22,500 to 6,000 seasons ago).
- Modern Age: 1000 AD – 2309 AD (6,000 seasons ago – current time).
There’s been debate over what constitutes a “significant event” in Unathi history. Small scale events which dominated inter-clan warfare and realm building hardly left a mark on the ever-changing face of the planet, while the history itself was seen as something cyclic rather than linear, at least by the majority of the Sinta and Yeosa population. Again, clan skeins proved invaluable in figuring out exact founding dates for major polar settlements.
Restorers’ Timeline
- Pre 90,000 BCE – Precursor “Golden Age”. A considerable amount of Precursor artifacts hail from that period.
- 100 – 92,000 BCE – Major shipbuilding effort by Precursors. The majority of their spacecraft was first constructed during the period, the earliest traced back to ~98,000 BCE.
- 93 – 90,000 BCE – Gateway system established.
- ~91,000 BCE – Ouere gateway fired up.
- ~90,000 BCE – The “Advent”: earliest Ancestor artifacts hail from that age, including some breacher parts and bunker equipment. Major conflict between the locals and the new group. Sharp increase in average annual temperatures.
- 90 – 87,000 BCE – The majority of Ancestor artifacts hail from that period.
- ~90 – 85,000 BCE – The bottleneck event. Biodiversity takes a hit, with 90% of animal and plant species disappearing.
- ~88,000 BCE – Last signs of Precursor activity (Moghes Proper).
- ~85,000 BCE – Last signs of Precursor activity (Ouere).
- ~85 – 70,000 BCE – Emergence of new insect and small animal species.
- ~85 – 60,000 BCE – “Dark Ages” – Ancestor activity, which has only been sporadic since 89 000 BCE, goes completely stale.
- 70 – 40,000 BCE – Gradual recovery of biosphere. Large animals become prominent.
- ~55,000 BCE – First traces of Unathi activity recorded: hunter-gatherers in Morr Wastelands; Diamond peaks.
- ~55 – 30,000 BCE – Migration of early desert Unathi societies to the Poles.
- ~55 – 50,000 BCE – “The Story of Seven Brothers” allegedly takes place during this time period.
- ~50,000 BCE – Stok are fully domesticated.
- 42,000 BCE – Diamond Peaks clan Gresis claims to be this old.
- 40 – 30,000 BCE – Nomadic savanna communities become prevalent; ogash and ssisalik herding established.
- 40,000 BCE – Diamond Peaks clan Ssorhize claims to be this old.
- 38,000 BCE – Early settlements in place of Instha, South Pole.
- 35,000 BCE – First artifacts related to the Strategem show up. According to those involved, the cult dates back to at least 55 000 BCE.
- 30 – 25,000 BCE – Threshbeasts domesticated.
- ~25 000 BCE – Early settlements in swamps.
- 22,000 BCE – Koja founded by Ugra Sakeh; boasts being the first ever stationary city in Savannas. Kaah trees surrounding it date back to 30,000 BCE.
- 20,000 – 12,000 BCE – First Peak chiefdoms recorded; Most Diamond Peak legends start off from here.
- 20,000 – 15,000 BCE – Early Yeosa migration to the isles.
- 16,000 BCE – Mumbak founded.
- 15,000 BCE – Agriculture and settled husbandry emerge on the Poles.
- 12,000 – 8,500 BCE – Peak Chiefdoms consolidated; vassal system established.
- 10,000 – Pahk is founded. It becomes the first major trading hub between the South Pole and the Peaks.
- 9,500 – 9,400 BCE – Fruitful Lights temple in Si'gek Nels'thar established. The new cult spreads quickly to both Poles.
- 7,500 BCE – Gadrak Ssorhize the Blind proclaimed Ssr-Kaahnepo of Durzakrag.
- 7,500 – 7,000 BCE – Conquest/colonization efforts in the Marches by The Blind Kaahnepo and his issue. Gaza'lor founded in 7,400 BCE as a peakie outpost.
- 6,100 BCE – First mention of Markesh.
- ~5,226 – 5,220 BCE – First expulsion of Markesheli (from savanna and desert settlements).
- 5,101 BCE – Most Worshipful Company of Restorers comes into being under the name of Morrkhrama Society.
- 4,800 – 4,600 BCE – Events of the Cult War. Markesh cultists overrun several settlements; the Moving city of Old Lhemo destroyed.
- 4,311 BCE – Second expulsion of Markesheli (from the poles).
- 4,267 – 4,243 BCE – Markesheli slaughtered in the Peaks en masse.
- ~3,400 BCE – The Vine followers appear; “Youngest Faith” takes root.
- 982 BCE – Fruitful Lights commandments codified by Algrhass Dhakiss.
- 289 BCE – Wasgaelli, the great floating city of Derzin swamps, created from several smaller hamlets.
- 12 AD – Clan Tessereck comes together from the shards of various other clans.
- 2054 AD – First recorded mentions of outworlders. Alien spacecraft sighted over South Pole settlements.
- 2054 – 2090s AD – Debates over the nature of aliens. The new Precursors theory. New syncretic cults emerge.
- 2100-2200 – Agrarian production skyrockets. Savanna ranches now supply the rapid urban growth.
- 2170-2270 – Sharp rise in industrial capacity due to increased labour supply.
- 2180-2190 – Rumours of aliens landing in Derzin swamps circulating.
- 2200-2210 – Markesheli rebirth.
- 2201 AD – Relations with an alien race “established” by Mumbak. After discussing certain things with Sskhalva (Skalwa), the outsiders disappear for a century.
- 2237 AD – The formal First Contact between the Unathi and humanity.
- 2238 – Hegemony established. Its purpose: to promote Unathi interests in trade and diplomacy with other species and create a better economy and network among the Unathi living on Moghes.
- 2239-2250 – Increased cooperation with the outsiders. First Phoron engines imported.
- 2245 – Human diplomatic mission lands in Mumbak. Shortly after the city became the entrepot for interstellar commerce.
- 2246 – An assembly called on by the Hegemony ratified a deal with Sol.
- 2253 – Contact with Skrell established.
- 2257 – Ssen-Uuma (Ssenuuma) Convent: A pact between major highland Kaahnepos.
- 2259 – 2268 – The Riot (Nine Years’ War). Hegemony vs Convent.
- 2261 – Mercenary revolt in Nolesk, North Pole (The Riot itself). The city is captured by Convent troops and turned into a military base with spaceport capabilities.
- 2261 – 2264 – Nolesk besieged by Hegemony-aligned clans.
- 2267 – 2282 – First (Lo) Artifact rush
- 2275 – Ouere Gateway discovered. As it would turn out, this new world was in fact Ouere, another planet in the Unathi System. Intense friction began to rise through Unathi society, with followers of the different faiths questioning whether this is a new paradise for Unathi or a path to destruction.
- 2276 – 2289 – Second (Ouere) Artifact rush.
- 2277 – 2302 – Settling of the Ouere.
- 2281 – “Yhoos”, a Precursor frigate, is discovered on the seabed by a party of Yeosa.
- 2291 – Moghes merchants first accepted into the FTU.
- 2283 – Instha shipyard established, based on smaller salvage workshops that existed earlier. The shipyard focuses on maintaining imported ships and restored Precursor vessels.
- 2283 – 2294 – “Yhoos” restoration efforts. The ship was launched in 2297 and now belongs to yeosa clan Akhale, which leases it to the polar clans from time to time.
- 2287 – Rah'Zakeh League created by major Yeosa'Unathi clans.
- 2300s – Third (Morr) Artifact rush.
- 2302 – Ouere closed off by clan Gurzhkhi. Outrage against the clan on Moghes Proper.
- 2303 – Moghes-Barnard Regional Department established within the FTU.
- 2304-2307 – Debate over Ouere-born Unathi. The largest pan-Moghes assembly so far ruled in favor of counting those born on Ouere as “native Unathi”, since the land was “blessed by Precursors”. However, this ruling will only be valid for some for 60 seasons (roughly 32 solar years).
- 2305 – Exchange program with Expeditionary Corps begins. Some of the more welcoming (and powerful) Unathi Clans have created an exchange program with the Sol Central Government, allowing members of the clans to work as members of the Expeditionary Corps, and members of the Expeditionary Corps are able to work and live amongst the Unathi clans.